Designing and building optical prototypes, concept designs and output evaluations for industries and laboratories since 2013.

    • Optical designs and concept analysis
    • Ready CAD integration
    • Optomechanical tolerancing and optimization
    • Simulations and optical measurements with custom setups
    • Prototype assembly
    • Consulting, training and mentoring

    Working with your team for the best performance and optimized tolerances!

Our optics expertice

    We work together with partners in industry, designing and assembling machine vision applications such as microscopes and spectroscopes, using primarily pre-manufactured components.

    We also optimize optical designs for simplicity and manufacturability to help you reduce recurring manufacturing costs, using our original R&D such as RSO, among others.


    In addition to industrial projects designing diffraction-limited machine vision, fluorescence scanners and spectroscopes for environmental industry, we have cooperated with research laboratories for harsh environment vision applications. We also designed and assembled calibration instruments for telescopes currently under construction by European Southern Observatory ESO and Weizmann Institute of Science. We have contributed to the diffraction analysis code for the non-adaptive optics of the MICADO instrument for ESO's ELT telescope. We have also assisted with the University of Turku for a graduate-level optical design course.

    Our private research has included broadening our design catalogue for various objectives using stock optical components that operate at the edges of (and beyond) their design limits, OpticStudio (Zemax) macros and generic optimization parameters for automated design of refractive objectives, and designing and assembling light relays and interferometers with stock components.

    With extensive practical background designing commercial astronomical telescopes for Asian markets, we have also researched and designed relatively fast aperture custom refractive objectives with the goal of lowering manufacturing costs. Our designs use sperical surfaces or lenses repeatedly, including multi-lens systems that reduce manufacturing costs with repeating surface curvatures. Our most advanced designs are fast, flat-fielded, apochromatic and diffraction-limited, and are quite scalable.
